Monday, July 9, 2012

The preparation begins!

With the help of family, friends and inspirational teachers I have, after all these years, achieved my goal of earning a chance to study abroad in Japan. Thank you to everyone!

 As July begins, I am reminded how close I am to leaving for Nanzan and in order to keep everyone I care about and who is interested in my experience informed while I am away, I have decided to create this blog of my weekly experiences in Nagoya, Japan.

So far this summer, I have discovered how complex and difficult preparing to study abroad can be. There is seemingly endless paperwork and decisions to be made before I am even going to get close to getting on the plane. However, with the purchase of my flight for Nagoya airport secured to arrive on September 4th my dream is truly becoming a reality!

I look forward to sharing all my experiences of Japan with everyone who cares to read, and I hope that my writings, thoughts, and ideas are well received as I grow and change throughout this year from my experiences. I will begin posting regularly after the first week in September, until then all posting will concern my preparation for my trip and any exciting happenings of my summer farewell to the United States.

~“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” ~Dr. Seuss (Thanks Mom and Dad for all those years of reading the same book more than once) :)


  1. Hi Matthew - it's Auntie Anne - Mom told me you created this blog and I went in search of it! I am so proud of you - I can hardly believe you are off to Japan! I can still see you and Mary Ellen riding around the living room in her Little Tykes car. Do you remember that? I look forward to following your adventure and even more so - to you coming home and sharing those experiences with us. We love you! Auntie, John and Mary Ellen.

  2. Best of wishes in Japan! We'll miss you at work!

  3. Hey Matthew - Bryan of Kaiju Kaos here! Cline shared me this link so I'll be tracking your exploits of international learning. All the best!!
